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It all starts with design

Today's industrial log construction is based on computer-aided modeling and design (CAD). Machining of the wooden parts of a log building takes place with help from data from the design process (CAM). i A modern computer-controlled production process is well suited for log construction; it allows for efficient production, logistics management and a flexible way of building.

Researched information as the base for design

The log house industry does research work on log structures, develops the quality standards and prepares design guidelines. Cooperation partners in research are, among others, VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland), Aalto University and TTY (Tampere University of Technology). The results of the research are available to members. Architects and structural designers who design log houses can use the research when needed for the design of log houses from HTT member factories. A new RT card Log house design principles was prepared at the end of 2014 (RT82-11168) 

For log structure design guidelines, visit the following links:

Training material

The Log House Industry Association together with its member companies, as well as the Oulu University of Applied Sciences developed the timber industry training materials for use in OPTIMA. The Log House Industry Association owns the usage rights to this material, but will transfer the material in question to schools / teachers free to use in teaching activities in Finland.

At this point, the training package mainly consists of material from the building design needs, but the folder structure makes it possible to save material and increase systematic later.  Koulutusmateriaalit OPTIMAan vietäväksi löydät täältä This link below is the students' self study package >>


An ecological choice

Modern industrially-manufactured log structures meet the tighter energy efficiency standards required by the authorities. The Air Leakage Rate of the wall, which is important in terms of energy efficiency, is at the same level with modern solutions based on massive logs as with other structural solutions (Report, Vertia Ltd). Life cycle research and carbon sinks research offer researchers, professionals and ordinary builders valuable well-founded knowledge (VTT)on the ecology of log buildings.
Read more about the analysis of the lifecycle of logs >  The calculated U-values of a log wall   can be compensated for by means of the carbon sink. Read more >