The Log House Industry Association is the joint organisation for leading Finnish log house factories, whose member companies strictly adhere to building regulations in design and production and approved terms and conditions in deliveries. When you buy a building from a Log House Industry Association member company, you know you will get high quality and reliable service. In addition to quality, the Log House Industry represents a significant branch of industry. The Association's member companies produce more than 80% of all the log buildings in Finland and the products are exported to over 40 countries. The export share of production is more than 20%. The Log House Industry Association is a member of the Federation of Finnish Woodworking Industries.
Marko Saarelainen, Chairman
Honkarakenne Oyj
Arto Orjasniemi
Kuusamo Hirsitalot Oy
Markku Uotinen
Den Finland Oy (Finnlamelli)
Onni Timlin Pohjan Timber-hirsi Oy
The general terms and conditions of the contract for Log House Industry Association's member companies in Finnish, Swedish and English here
The Log House Industry Association is a member of the Wood Products Industry Association
Harri Vainionpää
Oy Primapoli Ltd (Honkatalot)
Mika Rytky, Vice Chairman
Kontiotuote Oy
Perttu Pörhölä
Pellopuu Oy
Ismo Säily Kiirunatalot Oy
The Finnish Log House Industry is an ongoing Log - Intelligence for Future (LIF) export project, whose communication material in German, English and Swedish can be found here, LIF.
The Finnish Log House Industry does continuous promotion work with the German and Austrian log house associations. Joint statement can be found here.
The EU Group is chaired by CEO Seppo Romppainen
Print and fill out the membership application form and send it to:
Hirsitaloteollisuus ryKohverontie 10,88610 Vuokattior as a PDF attachment to info(at)
Your application will be considered at the next meeting of the Log House Industry Association.
Download the membership application form here
The partnership member accepted are the Log House Industry Association member companies' affiliates or companies who want to be partners. Companies may be manufacturers and suppliers of building materials, electrical and HPAC systems, interior design and furniture. Subcontractors, such as engineering firms and installers of log buildings will also be accepted as partnership members.
The partnership members’ annual fee is determined in the annual meeting of the Association. The membership fee for 2022 is 1150€. A separate subscription fee is not charged. The membership fee is invoiced after the approval of the membership application and annually by the end of April.
Print and fill out the partnership member application form and send it to:
Hirsitaloteollisuus RyKohverontie 10,or as a PDF attachment to info(at)
Your application will be considered at the next Board meeting of the Log House Industry Association.
Download the membership application form here
For more information about the timber industry best manufacturers and partner companies, go to their websites which can be found here
»is an important part of the sustainable development economy in Finland. The feeling that you sleep well in a log cabin isn't a myth. Researched information can be found here.
»Vuosikokous ja -seminaari Vuokatissa 3.-4.4.2025